Event Series Midweek Meditation

Midweek Meditation


Sponsored by the Center for Faculty Development's Office for Well-Being The CFD Office for Well-Being offers a second weekly meditation session in addition to its Meditation Mondays. The "Midweek Meditations" are held every Wednesday at 8am and each session is guided by a different guest meditation leader from MGH and beyond.  

Parenting Series Panel: “Parenting Children with Medical/Physical Disabilities”


The Parenting Series is an Office for Women’s Careers initiative focused on well-being and work-life balance for MGH faculty and trainee parents. Each session includes a panel of people with lived experience sharing their thoughts as well as an expert in the field to stimulate discussion and share information on a topic relevant to managing […]

Event Series Financial Planning 10-week Class

Financial Planning 10-week Class


Wednesdays, October 12 to December 21, 2022, from 4-5pm (no class on 11/23 for Thanksgiving holiday) The Office for Women's Careers is excited to partner with Her Personal Finance to offer a 10-week online financial planning class for co-ed faculty at MGH. This class will require a $750 upfront investment, but all participants can seek […]

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