Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Laughter Yoga combines laughter exercises with relaxing yogic breathing techniques to relieve stress, release endorphins and boost immune functioning. What starts as laughter exercises quickly turns into genuine laughter, enhancing social connection and positive emotions. No previous yoga...
Tag: Fun Fridays
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity.
Fun Fridays: Art and Renewal
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Corinne engaged participants in a lively conversation about a powerful work of art (“Parade” by Mequitta Ahuja) followed by responses that sparked joy, creativity and teamwork. Corinne Zimmermann, MA, MEd, Museum Educator and Co-director of Harvard Macy’s Art...
Fun Fridays: Spring into Fitness!
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Join Spring into Fitness! with licensed physical therapists Isabella Sprague and Angela Stearns covered 30 minutes of upbeat exercise and injury prevention tips to get healthy and stay injury free this spring and summer season. This Fun Friday...
Fun Fridays! Poetry & Creative Writing: The Villanelle
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Do you know what a villanelle is? Dr. Levy introduced this poetic form that has its roots in the rustic songs of Italy and developed in 16th century France–and gets participants started on composing their own villanelle. In...
Fun Fridays: Doodling
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Doodle Escapes are five minutes doodle breaks. Whether you’re at your desk for 10 hours on virtual calls or a student feeling stressed out or parent who is looking for ways to engage your kids—these creative exercises give...
Fun Fridays: Laughter Yoga
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Laura Malloy taught Laughter Yoga, which combines laughter exercises with relaxing yogic breathing techniques to relieve stress, release endorphins and boost immune functioning. What starts as laughter exercises quickly turned into genuine laughter, enhancing social connection and positive...
Fun Fridays: Strength and Stretch Yoga
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Judit Sore, MBA, showed participants how to support your body with a soothing, gentle yoga practice that focuses on moving easefully into basic sun salutation yummy yoga postures while using the breath to create space in your mind,...
Fun Fridays: Eight Active Ingredients of Tai Chi©
Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Eight Active Ingredients of Tai Chi© certified teacher Barry Friedman explored the traditional principles of Tai Chi in a relaxed, informal and experiential session. Regular practice of this gentle “meditation in motion” leads to more vigor and flexibility,...