Fun Friday: Music by Young and Restless Composers at Berklee


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Professor Park hosted brand-new music compositions written by her students at Berklee. The pieces included Art songs, Game Music, Jazz/Classical, and Minimalistic music. This session was an opportunity to hear new music and see what's happening in Boston's […]

Fun Friday: 55 Word Stories


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Dr. Scott-Vernaglia had participants think about the power of short, very short, stories to make meaning of experiences. In this hour she had them write 55-word stories and, if desired, share them with each other. The recording is […]

Fun Friday: Vinyasa Yoga


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Vinyasa Yoga is a vigorous yoga class that moves through poses at the pace of your breath. This class was designed for all levels; modifications were offered, allowing participants to tailor the class to their ability and body’s […]

Fun Fridays: Eight Active Ingredients of Tai Chi©


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Eight Active Ingredients of Tai Chi© certified teacher Barry Friedman explored the traditional principles of Tai Chi in a relaxed, informal and experiential session. Regular practice of this gentle “meditation in motion” leads to more vigor and flexibility, […]

Lifestyle Group Coaching Workshops for Wellness


Tuesdays, October 11 - November 15, 2022, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm Work together along with facilitator Dr. Beth Frates, lifestyle medicine pioneer and seasoned coach, to identify ways that you can enhance your health and happiness without adding extra time to your schedule. With registration, you’ll receive an e-book of Paving the path to […]

Fun Friday: Journaling with Olga: Ode to Summer


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Olga led a fun hour of journaling activities designed to free your creative spirit and show how you can improve your self-care through writing. In this session, participants reflected on their summer experiences. Facilitator: Olga Katsovskiy, MHA, is […]

Fun Friday: Writing for Joy


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Published author, essayist and expressive writing teacher Áine Greaney Ellrott to discover how expressive writing can bring joy, comfort and clarity to our personal and professional lives. Learn the “why,” “how” and “where” of developing and sustaining a […]

Fun Friday: An Ear-Training Session with Professor Joo Park


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. Are you interested in checking your ear skills in rhythm and pitch? Can you pick the notation of the melody you hear? Professor Park Joo created rhythmic and melodic exercises while participants explored their ear skills to listen […]

Maurizio Fava Lecture Series on Well-Being with Dr. Victor Dzau


“Combatting Clinician Burnout and Uniting the Health Workforce to Optimize Well-Being” The Maurizio Fava Lecture Series on Well-Being was created to honor Dr. Fava’s vision and advocacy for the well-being of the MGH community. The capacity and well-being of the U.S. health workforce have been under threat for years due to an epidemic of burnout, […]

Fun Friday: Yoga at Your Desk


Fun Fridays offer a refreshing mid-day break from work to indulge in physical, mental, or creative activity. This lively 60-minute webinar offered a refreshing breathing technique, stretches and awareness of proper body alignment to focus the mind and restore balance. Yoga at your desk is great for people that spend a lot of time at […]

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