Conflict Management at Work

MGH Main Campus 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, United States

A seminar for MGH faculty and research fellow with HMS academic appointments and MGH PhD graduate students in research. This seminar explored the benefits of understanding conflict and provide a pragmatic, situational approach to conflict resolution. Melissa Brodrick demonstrated how and when to use the conflict-handling styles effectively and coach participants to initiate productive dialogue […]

From Postdoc to Industry: What to Expect

MGH Main Campus 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, United States

Former MGH postdocs describe their experience with moving into industry positions. Topics will include how they obtained the position, how they managed the transition with their academic coworkers, and how life in an industry job has differed from academic life.

Finding Your Philosophy of Teaching (and writing it down)

MGH Main Campus 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA, United States

Workshop: Finding Your Philosophy of Teaching (and writing it down) A Teaching Statement or Teaching Philosophy is often a required part of an academic job application. Regardless of whether teaching will be your primary focus or merely a requirement of the position, a well-written statement can set you apart from other applicants. This workshop will […]

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