LDP: Career Options in Industry (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. Panelists: Gabriela Apiou, PhD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, HMS; Director of Strategic Alliances, Director of Translational Research Training and Development, Mass General Research Institute (MGRI); and Director of the Translational Research Core, Wellman Center for Photomedicine Dr. Apoiu is leading the development of...

LDP: Research Finance (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. Facilitators: Gary J. Smith, MPA, Senior Administrative Director for Research Management, Massachusetts General Research Institute Gary’s primary responsibilities are to assist the Senior Vice President for Research in a broad range of financial and administrative activities that support the operations of the MGH...

LDP: Influencing Others (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. Session Objectives: Create positive and productive team dynamics and cultural intelligent workplaces Navigate work, life and career with skill, resilience, and integrity Build credibility, strengthen relationships, and enhance your communication style…all to increase your ability to influence those critical to your success Facilitator:...

LDP: Mentoring and Being Mentored (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. Facilitators: Ruth Gotian, EdD, Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine Dr. Gotian has been hailed by the journal Nature and Columbia University...

LDP: Building a Diverse and Inclusive Team (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. Facilitators: Sherri-Ann Burnett-Bowie, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, HMS; Clinical Investigator, Endocrine Unit; Associate Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI); and Director of Multicultural Affairs, Department of Medicine As an Associate Director of CDI, Dr. Burnett-Bowie is particularly focused on advancing the...

LDP: Giving and Receiving Feedback (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. In this interactive session, Dr. Minehart discussed the importance of speaking across authority gradients, as well as giving effective receiver-focused feedback. She taught and demonstrated an array of strategies and techniques. Using simulated cases, participants had the opportunity to practice these skills in...

LDP: Increasing the IMPACT of your Research (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. In this interactive session, participants were challenged to refine their research focus and to identify the most promising paths to achieve real-world impact. Drs. Gray and Burstein helped them reflect on their work and create helpful impact statements. Facilitators: Martha L. Gray, PhD,...


LDP: Managing Conflict & Difficult Conversations (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. This highly interactive 90-minute session provided participants with the opportunity to examine and build on their conflict resolution skills. They assessed their conflict style, considered what they may bring to conflict conversations that may help or hinder them and discuss what so often...


LDP: Leadership in Research (closed)

Session closed to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LDP) FOR RESEARCHERS selected participants only. In the first hour, Dr. Orf addressed the importance of leadership, including how to lead a team and motivate others. Ms. Kinsella then present on the assessment tools you completed prior to the session and how to “Improve Your Leadership Style by Understanding...

Fearless Leadership in Challenging Times

This session focused on attributes needed now during the COVID-19 pandemic: Know yourself – How are you showing up in these challenging times? New Leaders will emerge with new skills Creating Certainty in Uncertainty Meet your people where they are – reverse 1 on 1’s Think 30-60-90 and repeat. We are in an iterative environment....

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