Getting Promoted from Assistant to Associate Professor


This 60-minute presentation, followed by a 30-minute Q&A, is a great introduction to the Associate Professor promotion process for faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor contemplating or preparing for promotion. Topics include selecting an Area of Excellence and Significant Supporting Activities, evaluation criteria, and requirements for the dossier. We encourage attendees to review […]

Parenting Series 2024-2025: “Taking a COACH Approach to Parenting”


The Parenting Series is an Office for Women’s Careers initiative focused on well-being and work-life balance for MGH faculty and trainee parents. This talk will provide you with some basic coaching skills that you can use when parenting. Dr. Frates has been coaching since 2008 and has two grown children 23 and 25. With her […]

Getting Promoted from Associate to Full Professor


This 60-minute presentation, followed by a 30-minute Q&A, is a great introduction to the Full Professor promotion process for faculty members at the rank of Associate Professor currently in an exploratory phase. The presentation focuses on evaluation metrics for each Area of Excellence as well as tips for preparing the annotated list of their 10 […]

Speed Mentoring Hour


Every month, two mentor leaders from different departments will answer your questions about any aspect of being a mentee or mentor. You do not need to be in the same department as the leaders—this event is open to faculty across MGH, but registration is required. Come ready with your questions and be ready to learn […]

Professor of Clinical X


Professor of Clinical X The recent HMS innovation on the promotion front is the path to full Professor via “Professor of Clinical X.” This exciting opportunity is still not well understood and to date, there have not been many faculty promoted to this new title. Together, the CFD Office of Clinical Careers and Office for […]

Speed Mentoring Hour


Every month, two mentor leaders from different departments will answer your questions about any aspect of being a mentee or mentor. You do not need to be in the same department as the leaders—this event is open to faculty across MGH, but registration is required. Come ready with your questions and be ready to learn […]

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