Imaging Solutions for Scientific Communication Lunchtime Seminars Imaging Essentials Master the basics of identifying & editing raster, bitmap, pixel-based photos & vector objects. Determine correct file compression, color mode & bit depth options. Learn important fundamentals of image preparation. Understand how to prep images in one application for use in other applications. Become skilled at...
Tag: Skills Building Series
Basic Biostatistics for Clinical Research
Sponsored by the MGH Division of Clinical Research and the MGH Biostatistics Center Fridays, January 6 – February 3 | 9:30-11:00 am | Virtual This course will provide clinical researchers with a solid foundation in biostatistical concepts. Intended for those with minimal statistical experience, these five lectures will serve as an introduction to biostatistical issues...
Basics of Science Writing for ELL Investigators
Basics of Science Writing for English Language Learner Investigators Open to English Language Learner faculty and postdocs. Getting results and disseminating findings to as wide an audience as possible is an essential part of the research endeavor, and understanding the basic techniques of Scientific Writing is vital for this effort. Dr. Jhaveri discussed the fundamentals...
Networking Strategies to Advance Your Research Career
A webinar providing practical strategies for networking Networking enables researchers to connect with colleagues, share their research, explore and acquire funding, and navigate professional advancement. However, there are few opportunities that allow you to learn about and practice strategies to network effectively. This one-hour webinar will demystify networking for clinical and translational researchers, offering best...
Using PIVOT To Find Funding Opportunities
Are you interested in finding new external funding opportunities for your research or program? In this session, Ms. Robb talks about PIVOT, a library database that indexes funding announcements from government agencies, private foundations and nonprofits, and international sponsors. It contains information from disciplines including (but not limited to) medicine, the physical and social sciences,...
Grant Writing Course- Session 8: “Documents for Unique Situations”
GRANT WRITING COURSE – FALL 2022 Session 8: “Documents for Unique Situations: Introduction & Multi-PI Plans” Thursdays from October 13 to December 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:00 pm This 8-week Grant Writing Course, created by the MGH Science Writing Group led by Becca Ward, PhD, returns for the second year. It is open to all MGH...
Grant Writing Course- Session 7: “Budgets and Personnel Documents”
GRANT WRITING COURSE – FALL 2022 Session 7: “Budgets and Personnel Documents” Thursdays from October 13 to December 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:00 pm This 8-week Grant Writing Course, created by the MGH Science Writing Group led by Becca Ward, PhD, returns for the second year. It is open to all MGH faculty and trainees. There...
Grant Writing Course- Session 6: “Human Subjects”
GRANT WRITING COURSE – FALL 2022 Session 6: “Human Subjects” Thursdays from October 13 to December 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:00 pm This 8-week Grant Writing Course, created by the MGH Science Writing Group led by Becca Ward, PhD, returns for the second year. It is open to all MGH faculty and trainees. There is no...
Grant Writing Course- Session 4: “Supporting Documents”
GRANT WRITING COURSE – FALL 2022 Session 4: “Supporting Documents: Environment, Biological/Chemical, Vertebrate Animals” Thursdays from October 13 to December 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:00 pm This 8-week Grant Writing Course, created by the MGH Science Writing Group led by Becca Ward, PhD, returns for the second year. It is open to all MGH faculty and...
Grant Writing Course- Session 5: “Research Strategy – Part II: Approach”
GRANT WRITING COURSE – FALL 2022 Session 5: “Research Strategy – Part II: Approach” Thursdays from October 13 to December 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:00 pm This 8-week Grant Writing Course, created by the MGH Science Writing Group led by Becca Ward, PhD, returns for the second year. It is open to all MGH faculty and...